PEARLS want to be worn!


It is said that “pearls want to be worn”. This is absolutely true because wearing your pearls prevents them from dehydration!

With this in mind, here are wear and care tips for pearls!

Let’s begin with the Mohs Scale of Hardness. Diamond is the hardest at 10 and pearl is 2.5 - 3. This means they are VERY soft and can be scratched by most gemstones, so definitely store them separately.

Choosing kinds of jewelry like necklaces or earrings that have less contact with hard surfaces are good options. For rings, a designer who really knows their jewelry ingredients will create a setting that protects them.

While fragrance and swimming pools are awesome, pearls are organic material, so chemicals and acid can harm them.

Ultrasonic cleaners can shatter pearls, so wiping with a damp, soft cloth as needed is the way to clean them. Water weakens silk thread, so check strands annually and restring every 3 years.

Most important tip: pearls love your warm, soft skin so wearing them is a win win!

Pearl Jewelry Designed by Women

Interested in sourcing pearl or pearl jewelry designed by women? DM me!

You can SHOP an array of memorable ruby jewelry right HERE!




What to know about… RUBY!


Why one white pearl is more valuable than another