How to buy, wear and care for opal jewelry


OPALS have me hooked because they drip with color!


One that uniquely spoke to me is this 0.65 carat black opal, responsibly sourced by Hopkins Opal from Australia’s Lightning Ridge.

This stunner (and a few others) will help us briefly decode things to know and questions to ask when buying an opal or opal jewelry!

You’ll also learn important wear and care considerations about opal, some of which are shared with pearl. Find a few of these below:

A “best practice” for wearing opal jewelry is they are the last thing on and the first thing off.

Be aware that ultrasonic cleaners can crack opals. Chemicals (including chlorine, household cleaners, and fragrance) can cause color changes in opals.

A simple cleaning solution is warm water with a soft cloth.

More jewelry tips can be found with my “Do’s and Don’ts of Fine Jewelry and Summer” to enjoy and keep (literally) your pieces sparkling.

Together with Hopkins Opal, we’ve outlined things to know via The Skinny on Opal!

Interested in sourcing a gemstone or opal jewelry designed by women? DM me!

You can SHOP an array of memorable opal jewelry right HERE!




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How artisanal mining empowers communities in East Africa and the social impact of buying responsibly sourced jewelry