PEARL and pearl jewelry designed by women!


To pearl girls near and far, The Skinny on Pearl is for you!

Our ancient ancestors discovered this luminous “Queen of Gems” while seeking food from the sea - and pearls have been a global sensation ever since.

The earliest archeological evidence of pearl jewelry is a necklace found in the sarcophagus of a Persian princess dating to 420 BC.

Beyond jewelry, pearls have adorned gowns of women AND men and even furniture.

To multiple cultures, religions, and throughout time, pearls have been synonymous with purity and perfection.

Together with Eliko Pearl, we’ve outlined things to know via The Skinny on Pearl.

Interested in sourcing a gemstone or peridot jewelry designed by women? DM me!

You can SHOP an array of memorable ruby jewelry right HERE!




Why one white pearl is more valuable than another


CATHERINE THE GREAT :a woman who changed the world